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“Musical Interlude” Francesco Beda, Oil on Canvas Mounted on Board, 24” x 36” Signed


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Frame Size: Height: 32″ x Width: 43.50″

Frame Thickness: 4″

Picture Size: Height 25″ x Width: 36.25″



Francesco Beda (1840-1900) was an Italian painter celebrated for his exquisite genre scenes and historical subjects. Born in Italy, Beda displayed a natural talent for art from a young age and received formal training in painting. He developed a distinctive style characterized by meticulous attention to detail, vibrant colors, and a keen eye for capturing the essence of his subjects.

One of Beda’s notable oil paintings on canvas is titled “Musical Interlude.” This masterpiece measures 24×36″ and bears the artist’s signature. The painting showcases Beda’s exceptional skill in depicting textures, colors, and architectural details with stunning realism.

In “Musical Interlude,” Beda transports the viewer to a scene of musical entertainment in the 19th century. The bold and vibrant colors of the dresses and period-style clothing evoke the richness and elegance of the time. Beda’s attention to fabric texture allows the viewer to almost feel the weight and flow of the garments through their eyes.

The interior architecture depicted in the painting reveals Beda’s mastery in capturing delicate details. The beautifully painted marble column and intricately carved wood chair demonstrate his ability to create a sense of three-dimensionality. Each object in the painting, from the vase to the surrounding decor, is meticulously rendered with precision and perfection.

Beda’s artistic skill extends to the human anatomy of the figures portrayed in the painting. Whether it is the graceful pose of a woman or the confident stance of a man, Beda captures the human form with remarkable accuracy and attention to detail.

“Musical Interlude” exemplifies Francesco Beda’s ability to create a sense of time and place through his art. The painting not only showcases his technical expertise but also invites viewers to experience the elegance and charm of the 19th century. The harmonious combination of meticulous details, vibrant colors, and skillful composition creates a captivating and immersive artwork.

Francesco Beda’s legacy lies in his ability to transport viewers to different periods and evoke emotions through his meticulous and beautiful paintings. His works continue to captivate audiences, allowing them to appreciate the beauty and craftsmanship of a bygone era.

Francesco Beda’s artworks can be found in various museums and collections around the world. Some notable institutions that may house his paintings include:

  • Museo Nacional del Prado, Madrid, Spain: The Museo Nacional del Prado is home to one of the most extensive collections of European art, including works by Italian masters. They may have some paintings by Francesco Beda in their collection.
  • Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Rome, Italy: The Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea in Rome is dedicated to modern and contemporary art. They may feature artworks by Francesco Beda within their holdings.
  • Museo Revoltella, Trieste, Italy: The Museo Revoltella houses a collection of modern and contemporary art, including works by Italian artists. They may have examples of Francesco Beda’s paintings within their collection.
  • Private Collections: Many of Francesco Beda’s paintings are held in private collections worldwide. Private collectors and art enthusiasts may possess his works and occasionally lend them for exhibitions or display in museums.

                                                                               “Painter in Studio with Model”

Francesco studied with Karl von Blaas in Vienna, but in addition to working in his native Trieste, he travelled and painted for patrons in Austria, Hungary, and Croatia. He painted portraits of the Empress Elisabeth of Austria, the Prince of Rolian, and Bishop Strossmayer of Zagreb. He also had an interest

in Orientalist subjects as exemplified by Il Caffè Orientale di Trieste (c. 1888), now on display in the Civic Museum of Oriental Art of Trieste  and the Capture of Slaves

One of Beda’s most famous works, “Chess Game” was infamously stolen from a private collection in London. Interpol tracked the painting to the United States but lost the trail somewhere in New Jersey.


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